Well, now, I think I have found and SEO tool that I like. It's called Traffic Travis, available at http://trafffictravis.com.
I hesitated downloading the other day because the little man icon looked silly. It reminded me of the horrible icons that Microsoft had for MS Office, anyone remember that dreadful paper clip, Clippy, or the little dog? Cutesy is usually not my thing.
Yesterday, I uninstalled Serp Attack, and this morning, I was still looking for a good SEO tool, and came across Traffic Travis again. I decided to download it, despite the cutesy Travis guy.
I like the interface, speed and tools. I'm probably going to upgrade to the pro version soon.
On another note, I found a good color accessibility tool that checks foreground and background colors. It's free, and very simple to use. It alerted me that the colors I had chosen for the navigation on a site I'm working on would fail. It was a simple matter of changing the colors to get a good contrast. Visit http://www.paciellogroup.com/resources/contrast-analyser.html to get Color Contrast Analyzer.